Local Chiropractors

Leonard Semenea

Bellevue, WA





Leonard Semenea
5395 176th Pl SE
Bellevue, WA 98006

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Roronazoro says:
Oh, let me tell you about my journey from endless migraines to pure relief! I was practically living on painkillers until this chiropractor practice swooped in like a superhero. They not only understood my migraine agony but waved their magic chiropractic wand and poof – the migraines were gone! I have had an amazing experience with this treatment known as Biomagnetism Therapy in the past .I found it when I was looking for ways to recover from a crippling health issue.It was like a symphony of healing. Imagine, magnets balancing your body's energy! Biomagnetism basically balances the body’s ph along with the energy .Thus improves circulation and heals the body from the root causes . I strong;ly believe that by combining chiropractic care and biomagnetism together,practitioners can provide double-dose of rejuvenation.Though most of them do not offer it .They can help more patient heal by including this treatment.To know more visit drgarciabiomagnetism.com