Local Chiropractors

Jill Schneider

Heartwood Chiropractic

Albany, CA



Heartwood Chiropractic




Jill Schneider
904 Masonic Ave.
Albany, CA 94706

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Jill Schneider

Practice Name:


Just north of Berkeley, Heartwood Chiropractic and Albany chiropractor Dr. Jill Schneider helps you restore wellness from neck and back pain, poor posture, and stress and tension. Dr. Jill provides a gentle, transformational approach called Network Spinal Analysis to help you reduce tension, drop stress and stay healthy! People receiving network chiropractic experience increased flexibility, a greater sense of calm, increased wellness and decreased pain. Call to schedule an appointment today. Services: Chiropractic, Network spinal analysis, Wellness care, Health and healing, Pediatric chiropractic


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Jacob Simmon says:
I had been suffering from chronic back pain for years, and it was affecting my quality of life. I decided to give chiropractic care a try, and I'm so glad I did! Jill Schneider has been a miracle worker. Through a series of adjustments, he was able to alleviate my back pain significantly. I am truly amazed with how the expert Chiropractic adjustments just made my back pain go away . In the past Biomagnetism Therapy helped me heal from a serious health issue .In biomagnetism, magnets of varying strengths are strategically placed on specific points of the body to correct imbalances in ph level and acid -alkaline equilibrium . Biomagnetic healing helps the body regain its natural balance and can have a profound impact on various health issues.All this balancing removes infection inducing pathogens and inflammation from the body in a painless way . I highly recommend practitioners to combine these two forms of treatment .This integrated approach will heal patients at a faster pace.To know more about it, visit DrGarciaBiomagnetism.com.