Local Chiropractors

Christopher A Ram Dc Inc

Tucson, AZ





Christopher A Ram Dc Inc
7070 N Oracle Rd # 120
Tucson, AZ 85704

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Christopher A Ram Dc Inc


Hours of Operation:

Monday8:00 am - 12:00 am
Wednesday8:00 am - 12:00 am
Friday8:00 am - 12:00 am

Services Offered:

Applied Kinesiology
Auto Accidents
Chiropractic Neurology
Chiropractic Traction Therapy
Chiropractic Treatment for Injuries
Decompression Therapy
Disc Herniation Treatment
Emergency Chiropractic Care
Flexion-Distraction Therapy
Holistic Chiropractic Care
Homeopathic Medicine
Massage Therapy
Orthogonal Chiropractic
Pediatric Chiropractic
Personal Injury


At Precision Chiropractic, Dr. Ram focuses on the root cause of disease in the body. Since symptoms are usually the last thing to show up, wellness and preventative strategies are critical to retaining robust health.

As the body constantly regenerates new cells, Dr. Ram’s job is to ensure that the nervous system is free from interference as the brain communicates to and receives feedback from the body. When spinal bones misalign, messages can become fuzzy and a fuzzy message leading to or away from a vital organ in the body is dangerous business.

A once healthy organ may now become a target for dis-ease and malfunction. Just as it takes years for the body to build itself sick, it likewise takes years for the body to build itself healthy. Regular chiropractic care is an essential ingredient to facilitating the healthy growth of new cells.

Dr. Ram’s unique upper cervical approach, utilizing the Blair technique, is additional ammunition for achieving optimum health in his clinic. Dr. Ram’s time, commitment and availability to those he treats is unparalleled. His goal is to change lives, one body at a time, restoring health to each individual he treats by delivering “precise” adjustments to align the spine and the body with its very own “innate” healing capacity. As Dr. Ram delivers the adjustment, the body’s wisdom then takes over for true healing to occur.

Dr. Ram and Precision Chiropractic welcome anyone who is serious about their health and would like to know the condition of their spine. Complimentary evaluations are available throughout the week.

Dr. Christopher Ram opened the doors to his Tucson chiropractic clinic in June 2008, finally realizing his dream of more than a decade to move to the desert. Dr. Ram’s clinic recently incorporated the name “Precision Chiropractic” after deliberating on the significance of Dr. Ram’s years of experience delivering precise adjustments, getting and keeping people well with his unique “innate” understanding and application of the principles of chiropractic.

As a Southern California native and graduate of the Los Angeles College of Chiropractic in 1995, Dr. Ram initially worked with two prominent local chiropractors who were so closely tuned into chiropractic fundamentals, that Dr. Ram had no choice but to recognize that his chosen profession was much more than helping people with neck and back pain. Both Dr. Ram’s patients and those who attended his speaking engagements were suddenly empowered by his simple, yet powerful discussions regarding the spine or lifeline, the nervous system, and how true health can be measured by the state of the spine.


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