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<h3>Hours of Operation:</h3><table><tr><td>Monday</td><td>9:00 am - 7:00 pm</td></tr><tr><td>Tuesday</td><td>9:00 am - 12:00 am</td></tr><tr><td>Wednesday</td><td>9:00 am - 7:00 pm</td></tr><tr><td>Thursday</td><td>9:00 am - 12:00 am</td></tr><tr><td>Friday</td><td>9:00 am - 7:00 pm</td></tr><tr><td>Saturday</td><td>9:00 am - 12:00 am</td></tr><tr><td>Sunday</td><td>Closed</td></tr></table><hr/><h3>Services Offered:</h3><br/>Payment Plans: Aetna<br/>Payment Plans: Blue Cross Blue Shield<br/>Payment Plans: Cigna<br/>Payment Plans: Humana<br/>Payment Plans: Medicaid<br/>Payment Plans: Medicare<br/>Payment Plans: UnitedHealthcare<br/>Acupuncture<br/>Auto Accidents<br/>Chiropractic Traction Therapy<br/>Chiropractic Treatment for Injuries<br/>Chiropractors<br/>Disc Herniation Treatment<br/>Emergency Chiropractic Care<br/>Massage Therapy<br/>Pediatric Chiropractic<br/>Personal Injury<br/>Physical Therapy<br/><br/><hr/><h3>Description:</h3><br/>Quality Chiropractic Services for Adults, Athletes, and Children<br>Serving the Villa Park, Lombard, Elmhurst, Addison, & Oakbrook Terrace, IL Surrounding Areas <br><br> <br>For the finest in chiropractic health care, visit the professionals at Breitenstein Family Chiropractic. For 10 years, we have been providing reliable therapy that can prevent deterioration of the spine and joints. Dr. Breitenstein has continued her education in chiropractic sports medicine and pediatrics to better treat athletes, children and pregnant mothers. Her focus is on treating athletes and children but loves treating your whole family. In addition to sports injuries, she also treats back, neck, arm and leg pain as well as conditions commonly seen in children. Dr. Breitenstein is also Webster Technique Certified for treating pregnant moms.<br><br>At your first visit you can expect Dr. Breitenstein to sit down and take a comprehensive history and do a complete exam. Dr. Breitenstein will then review your file and develop a treatment plan specific for your condition(s). Dr. Breitenstein will explain that treatment plan to you so you fully understand what is wrong and how you will be helped. Dr. Breitenstein only sets up your visits 1 week at a time because she understands that all conditions and body types heal differently. <br><br>At Breitenstein Family Chiropractic you can expect a full body treatment. Dr. Breitenstein doesn't just focus on where your pain is but rather takes care of you as a whole. For example, just because you have pain in your arm, it doesn't mean thats where the problem is. You could have a pinched nerve in your neck cutting off the nerve impulses to your arm which in turn causes your arm pain.<br><br>During your treatments you can expect adjustments to all subluxations found in the entire spine and extremities, physical therapy as needed and rehab as needed. In addition, Dr. Breitenstein does custom foot orthotics and acupuncture for those in need.<br><br> Contact us in Villa Park, Illinois, for chiropractic services, including massage therapy and acupuncture.<br><br>As mentioned above, Dr. Breitenstein is certified in Webster Technique as well as Logan Basic Technique. She is also trained in cranial work and SOT, as well as diversified, Gonstead and Thompson Techniques. These are all different methods of helping the spine and nervous system heal the body. Some are gentle mobilization techniques while others are more forceful and direct. Dr. Breitenstein is trained in all of them so she can use what is appropriate for you.<br><br>We are located at 63 E Park Blvd., Villa Park, IL , 60181. We are on the south side of the prairie path, 1 block east of Ardmore, just a few blocks South of St. Charles Rd. The intersection is Cornell and Park Blvd. It is an L-shaped office building across from a big church. Contact us in Villa Park, Illinois, for chiropractic services including massage therapy, physical therapy, rehab and acupuncture.<br><hr/>
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