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<h3>Hours of Operation:</h3><table><tr><td>Monday</td><td>9:00 am - 7:00 pm</td></tr><tr><td>Tuesday</td><td>3:00 pm - 6:00 pm</td></tr><tr><td>Wednesday</td><td>9:00 am - 7:00 pm</td></tr><tr><td>Thursday</td><td>3:00 pm - 6:00 pm</td></tr><tr><td>Friday</td><td>9:00 am - 7:00 pm</td></tr><tr><td>Saturday</td><td>Closed</td></tr><tr><td>Sunday</td><td>Closed</td></tr></table><hr/><h3>Services Offered:</h3><br/>Acupressure<br/>Auto Accidents<br/>Chiropractic Traction Therapy<br/>Chiropractic Treatment for Injuries<br/>Chiropractors<br/>Disc Herniation Treatment<br/>Emergency Chiropractic Care<br/>Holistic Chiropractic Care<br/>Massage Therapy<br/>Pain Management<br/>Pediatric Chiropractic<br/>Personal Injury<br/>Physical Therapy<br/><br/><hr/><h3>Description:</h3><br/>Welcome to Waters Chiropractic Center!<br><br>Get ready to receive relief for your muscular and joint aches and pains. At Waters Chiropractic Center in Lebanon, Pennsylvania, we use therapeutic massage as well as strength and conditioning training, we help you feel better faster. <br><br>Our chiropractic services offer lasting relief for headaches, back pain, and neck pain. Improve your overall health with therapeutic massage and other chiropractic services from our clinic in Lebanon, Pennsylvania.<br><br>Common Conditions Improved by Chiropractic Care Include:<br>• Headaches<br>• Low Back Pain<br>• Shoulder Pain<br>• Joint Pain/Stiffness<br>• Fibromyalgia • Hip and Knee Pain<br>• Sciatica<br>• Pinched Nerve<br>• Arthritis <br><br>• Carpal Tunnel<br>• Neck and Foot Pain<br>• Numbness<br>• Degeneration<br><br>The Office<br>Based on your patient history and condition, we provide X rays and a variety of treatment options to alleviate your discomfort. In many cases, chiropractic can slow the progression of many diseases and eliminate the symptoms associated with many illnesses. If you have questions about what chiropractic can do for a condition not listed here, please ask us. <br><br>Waters Chiropractic Center is your destination for medication-free treatment for a variety of conditions and illnesses. With our help, your body becomes stronger and more relaxed while pain literally fades away. Avoid strong pain medications with services from our chiropractic clinic in Lebanon, Pennsylvania.<br><br>How Nerves Get ‘Pinched’<br><br>Your skeletal system, especially your spinal column protects your spinal cord and other nerves. If your spinal bones are misaligned even slightly they may ‘pinch’ or stretch the nerves they are supposed to protect. This in turn can affect other structures in the area including blood vessels, discs, ligaments, joints, muscles and tendons. This is referred to as a subluxation.<br><br>Causes of Subluxation<br><br>Nearly any kind of stress can cause a subluxation: a fall or an accident, even a very mild one that happened years ago; bad sleeping position; poor posture; emotional stress; poor nutrition or a combination of stress. A subluxation may not happen all at once. It could ‘set’ in your body over time- coming on so gradually that you may not be aware you have one.<br><br>Diagnosis<br><br>Your Chiropractor will use your medical history, including past accidents or injuries, current and past pain, a physical examination and use of x-ray, combining these with his clinical judgment to determine a diagnosis.<br><br>The Chiropractic Adjustment<br><br>Subluxations do not go away by themselves. No amount of painkillers or muscle relaxants can fix them. Only doctors of chiropractic are able to analyze your spinal column for ‘pinched’ nerves or vertebral subluxations and use spinal adjustments to gently realign your spine, release your internal stress and free you from your symptoms.<br><br>How the Adjustment is Performed<br><br>A chiropractic adjustment or manipulation is a procedure in which your doctor uses his hands or an instrument to manipulate the joints of the body, especially the spine in order to restore joint function. This can reduce inflammation, and resolve pain. It is a controlled procedure that rarely causes discomfort. Often patients report positive changes in their symptoms immediately, and even more so over time. Doctors of Chiropractic can provide acute, chronic, rehabilitative, therapeutic and/or preventive care.<br><br>What Chiropractic Is<br><br>Chiropractic is a drug-free, hands on health care profession that treats disorders of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems, including complaints such as back, neck or joint pain, headaches, sciatica, & pinched nerves. Chiropractic has become the largest drugless health care profession in the world helping millions of people recover from sickness, disease, and disability while minimizing the use of medications and surgery in their lives!<br><br>The Office<br><br>Waters Chiropractic Center is located on Isabel Drive in Quentin Circle. Dr. Waters welcomes individuals and families, including children, suffering from discomfort caused by disease, illness, and pain due to work, sports or recreational injuries or accidents. Most insurance plans are accepted. Dr. Waters provides in-office x-rays, and a variety of treatment options based on patient history and condition. Patients are invited to call to make an appointment during office hours, or may walk-in. A certified massage therapist is also available.<br><br>Chiropractic Education and Training<br><br>Chiropractors are among the best trained health practitioners you can find. Doctors of Chiropractic are educated as primary health care providers, with emphasis on diagnosis and treatment of conditions of the muscles, ligaments, and joints of the spine and the nerves that supply them. Educational requirements are stringent, much like medical doctors. They require pre-medical undergraduate college, followed by 4-5 academic years of professional study and clinical training- numbering over 4800 classroom, laboratory, and clinical hours in biology, chemistry, physics, anatomy, physiology, pathology, diagnosis, neurology, x-ray, orthopedics and more…often more than medical doctors!<br><hr/>
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