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<h3>Hours of Operation:</h3><table><tr><td>Monday</td><td>1:00 pm - 6:45 pm</td></tr><tr><td>Tuesday</td><td>8:00 am - 12:00 am</td></tr><tr><td>Wednesday</td><td>1:00 pm - 6:45 pm</td></tr><tr><td>Thursday</td><td>8:00 am - 12:00 am</td></tr><tr><td>Friday</td><td>9:00 am - 12:00 am</td></tr><tr><td>Saturday</td><td>Closed</td></tr><tr><td>Sunday</td><td>Closed</td></tr></table><hr/><h3>Services Offered:</h3><br/>Payment Plans: Aetna<br/>Payment Plans: Amerigroup<br/>Payment Plans: Blue Cross Blue Shield<br/>Payment Plans: Cigna<br/>Payment Plans: Humana<br/>Payment Plans: Medicaid NOT Accepted<br/>Payment Plans: Medicare<br/>Payment Plans: UnitedHealthcare<br/>Acupressure<br/>Acupuncture<br/>Applied Kinesiology<br/>Auto Accidents<br/>Chiropractic Traction Therapy<br/>Chiropractic Treatment for Injuries<br/>Chiropractors<br/>Decompression Therapy<br/>Disc Herniation Treatment<br/>Emergency Chiropractic Care<br/>Flexion-Distraction Therapy<br/>Holistic Chiropractic Care<br/>Massage Therapy<br/>Orthogonal Chiropractic<br/>Pain Management<br/>Pediatric Chiropractic<br/>Personal Injury<br/>Physical Therapy<br/><br/><hr/><h3>Description:</h3><br/>Welcome to new beginnings Chripractic and Wellness Center. Dr. Gibas is a chiropractor in South Barrrington and is committed to using alternative methods in relieving pain and restoring your body’s natural ability to heal itself. Patients will receive the finest quality of care because Dr. Gibas is a genuine and compassionate person who cares for your well being and overall health.<br><br>Let Dr. Gibas help your body get rid of that pain, don't delay, call today!<br><br>Science, Art and Philosophy<br><br>The Science of chiropractic is based on the scientific fact that the nervous system, your brain and spinal cord, controls the function of every cell, tissue, organ and system of your body. Your body is much like the Internet: your brain is your computer, your spinal cord is the information highway, your spinal vertebrae which house nerves, arteries, and veins, are the links to your organs, such as heart, lungs, intestines, reproductive organs and disruption of the function of these tissues or organs and the nerve control is called vertebral subluxation complex. Chiropractic is the science of finding these areas of spinal malfunction, the art of correcting them and the philosophy of all things natural we have been created.<br><br>The Art our doctor masters the adjusting “art” of chiropractic which includes a comprehensive evaluation, a review of health history, and arrival at a clear diagnosis and a recommended specific treatment plan customized for each patient. This includes specific spinal adjustments. Adjustments are specific techniques with controlled pressure, to restore spinal segments back to normal position to increase range of motion and flexibility. It also increases immune function and life energy. Chiropractic is truly a gift.<br><br>The Philosophy Chiropractic philosophy recognizes that the power that created the body can heal the body – as long as there is no interference. The doctor does not heal you, the doctor is the middle man between you and your bodies own ability to heal itself in its own environment. Dr. Amy Cizel is a compassionate doctor who loves empowering patients of all ages to meet their health goals. She has clinical experience from St. Peters, MO and Naperville, IL helping patients of all ages function at their highest level without pain. She also likes to educate patients and the community on various topics such as food, movement, and wellness.<br><br> <br><br>Dr. Cizel attended University of Wisconsin Milwaukee and Logan Chiropractic College where she received Bachelor’s degrees in Kinesiology and Human Biology, a Master’s degree in Nutrition and a Doctorate of Chiropractic. She also completed the International Pediatric Chiropractic Association seminar series. Additionally, she is certified in Webster technique by the International Pediatric Chiropractic Association.<br><br> <br><br>Dr. Cizel gravitated toward the health field in high school. She always had a passion for helping people get well, and after seeing her family get healthy and stay healthy under her hometown chiropractor she decided she wanted to do the same for other families. She enjoyes sports, exercising, playing piano and spending time with her family.<br><hr/>
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